Star Trac Upright bike with HDTV

  • Model: 111C17
  • Shipping Weight: 350 lbs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Star Trac

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This is a nice commercial Star Trac upright bike with HDTV. This is the bike at your local upscale gym. It has many workout programs, fully adjustable seat, a built in fan to cool you off and you can even watch tv or a movie while you workout. It takes a coaxial cable, RGB input on the side or you can hook up your TV or Computer if you route an HDMI cable through the bike to the monitor. You can plug this bike into any 3 prong wall outlet for the HDTV to work. We installed a brand new battery incase you would like to use it where an outlet isn't present.

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