Star Trac Total Body Trainer with HDTV

  • Model: 111B17
  • Shipping Weight: 650 lbs
  • 0 Units in Stock
  • Manufactured by: Star Trac

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The total body trainer can be thought of as an advanced elliptical. You can use it as an elliptical or do upper body pulling or pushing workouts. The angles of the arms automatically adjust or can be selected to give you a great upper body or total body workout. The TV makes your workout time seem so much faster. To watch TV or a movie, just plug in any coaxle cable, RGB cord, HDMI, or firewire. The unit has a built in fan, many preprogrammed workouts etc. This is a full commercial grade unit and as such is very heavy (~400lbs) so if you plan to pickup please bring help and a trailer. Each unit has a brand new battery and a couple re manufactured parts. These units will plug into any 3 prong wall outlet.

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